10. Raspberry truffles (my ever expanding hips don't think so, but do I care what they think? No!)
09. Good movies -- You know the kind that make you go to the theater over and over again. You know, movies like Van Helsing.
08. Pretty things -- I know that's broad, but I like pretty things. Clothes, jewelry...men!
07. Bright lights! -- The kind you find in pretty cities. (Like Atlantic City and occasionally Pittsburgh)
06. Good Concerts! -- Like the Moody Blues and Elvis Costello.
05. Tiramisu
Again, my hips aren't thrilled about this, but why do I care?
04. Family (Ha! I bet you thought I forgot about them!)
03. My camera -- When the memory doesn't work, photos help me remember!
02. My CD collection, which is slowly making it's way to my computer, in bits and pieces. It's really hard to decide which CDs of 3000 + deserve to live on the hard drive.
01. Hugs!
These two men give awesome ones, and I live in hope that I can get another one from either or both of them again!
6371 - COLD!!!
4 hours ago
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