It's funny how you can be really excited about something when it first comes out,(Yeah I'm talking about a cd) but after a few months it kinda falls flat.
I'm talking about Elvis Costello's Delivery Man, which on first listen I loved, or at least I thought I loved. It has some really great songs. I love Monkey to Man. The Name of This Thing Is Not Love, The Judgement among others. But what's been putting me off are the songs like Heart Shaped Bruise that have vocals with another artist, in this case EmmyLou Harris.
OK, it's not EmmyLou's fault. Well, yes it is. See I had heard this song years ago on a live recording. It's beautiful, and frankly I liked it as a solo, which is how he still does it in concert. Which leaves me to wonder why he had to ask people to sing with him.
Nope this girl is not fond of duets and when you get down to the duet with Lucinda Williams, well my ears just start to bleed, and I get nauseous..and well...I put on North.
Yeah. You read that right. I put on North. The CD that I dislike/hate.
Because anything is better than Lucinda Williams gravelly edgy voice.
I think that I would almost prefer the vocal stylings of our illustrious pop tart set to Lucinda.
Anyway, it's the additional vocalists that keep me from listening to this album as much as I'd like. It doesn't measure up to When I Was Cruel the way that I thought it would.
Not to say that I don't like this album either, because I do, but after a few months of listening to it, I think I've outgrown it. Now, if only he'd come out with something new. (Besides an opera about Hans Christian Anderson)
6396 - Saturday jokes
2 hours ago
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