This is what I've done today. Be ready to be thrilled and amazed, cos I know I am still reeling from all the activity.
~ The cleaning project was accomplished and I have to say that I did a darn good job at making things look better. Sadly it took 4.5 hours to accomplish. (Yeah I was cleaning from 10 o'clock to 2:30!
Well, that pretty much shoots the day in the butt.
~ I stayed in my jammies while cleaning. Therefore I don't feel like I've been awake today at all. I've now decided that staying in jammies all day isn't a good thing unless I'm deathly ill.
~ A friend of mine from Live Journal sent me her Christmas mix, so I've got some different music playing today. Let's just say, as I'm typing this, I'm having a punk rock Christmas.
Oi! to the World!
Believe it or not, I'm actually enjoying it, too. If you're curious as too what I'm hearing, click here to see Alexis' kick ass mix.
~ I've narrowed down my outfit choices for tomorrow night to two (ok, three). All are black. Just call me Morticia.
~ Spent quality time drooling on these men:
Now I've got to finish some cleaning in my rooms, because in week everything gets messed up again. Oh and I still don't have my tree up! I'm scared, that if it doesn't go up soon, the spot I cleared for it is going to disappear and I'm going to have to start all over again!
Hasn't my day been so exciting? Don't you just wish you were me?
I thought not!
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