Last night's episode of Torchwood was so damn sad. I loved it.
I can't believe I remembered to watch it. OK, I can. What I can't believe is that I was looking forward to watching it all week. It didn't disappoint either. For that matter, Doctor Who didn't too. Plus as I've said before, the new Doctor is such a flipping cutie, it's worth it to watch just for him.
But back to to Torchwood. If you like sci-fi/supernatural shows and you aren't a prude, you really should watch this show. It's got time travel, aliens, even ghosts. You really can't go wrong with it. Plus it's got eye candy for one and all.
What I love about the Brits is that they don't seem to have the hangups about sexuality and whatnot that we have here. A naked bum wouldn't see a channel getting fined millions. And I've seen John Barrowman get into a lip lock with at least two other people on Torchwood in the last few episodes. I usually find myself quite jealous of whoever gets the lip lock too.
But back to last night's episode that was about a rift in time. A rift that had part of 1918 and present time merging. That's all I'll say about the plot. I will tell you that the storyline is so good, that even if you don't like this sort of thing you'd like this episode. So if you get BBC America, watch it. You may find yourself wanting to see another and another.
Cartoon Saturday
10 hours ago
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