Thursday, May 26, 2005

Shopping Madness & Other Fun Stuff

I'm planning a weekend of shopping fun. Tomorrow I'm off to pay the Target bill and a little bit of shopping there. Saturday, I've got coupons for Kaufmann's and Dots!


Because anyone that knows me, knows I have 3 really big bad weaknesses.

1. Music
2. Reading
3. Clothes

And because I've lost weight, I need new clothes.

I only have 2 pairs of shorts. I need new sneakers. Hell, I really want a weekend wardrobe for Atlantic City. I do have a few things I know I'm taking with me. One is a gorgeous teeny tiny burgundy sequined dress. Watch out Moody Men! Actually watch out Kirsten and Marie! I'm on the prowl for your hubbies!

And then I woke up! I know. A girl's got to dream though.

So for the next two days I'll be shopping up a storm, and I get bonus fun on Saturday! We're going to Wheeling Island for dinner and a little bit of the throw the money in the slot machine and get nothing in return.


It's going to be a kick ass weekend!