The great thing about reading many many many blogs a day (unemployment sucks) is that you find inspiration in the weirdest places. One of the blogs I read listed things that turned the writer off and things that turned the writer on.
Good idea, thought I. Very good idea.
Why not tell all my illustrious readers what turns me on and off?
So allow me to share mine with you.
Turn Offs
01. People that try to shove their religious and political views down my throat.
02. The grunge look. For crying out loud, try to look like you bathed or washed your hair.
03. Multiple tattoos. I realize that most people that get one get many. And I don't object to people having them, they just don't really do much for me, unless of course, you're Johnny Depp, in which case, I'll make an exception
04. Excess Vanity. Everyone join me in the Carly Simon classic. You're so probably think this blog is about you.
05. Stupidity.
06. Know it alls.
07. Narrow-minded people. Seriously there are more then one way to see things, usually, why should your way be the right way all the damn time?
08. To go hand in hand with my first turn off -- Republicans. I'm sorry if I've offended any of you rich people that support our current administration. But where are these jobs W created. Oh yeah, I know where they are and they require saying "Do you want fries with that?" Well sorry, I have to go with the lesser of two evils.
What I'd truly like is for both parties to realize that they both have good ideas sometimes. Democrats aren't all bad nor are all Republicans, except right now, when I wish every last one of them to perdition.
Maybe I should just say politics turns me off.
09. Condescending people. Not quite the same as know it alls, but just as bad, because they think they are better than you and their ideas and what not are better than yours. Oh and they think the sun rises and sets from out their tushies.
10. People that talk about their sexcapades all the time. Anyone ever tell you that kissing and telling is rude?
Turn Ons
01. Leather pants. Especially if they are on John Lodge
02. Conversations about music
03. Long walks (On the Boardwalk, on the the country)
04. A good sense of humor
05. A touch of romance. Seriously what woman doesn't want a little bit of romance?
06. Good taste in music -- this doesn't mean that someone must like everything I like, but it does mean that you don't subscribe to the zillions of crap artists that are flooding the airwaves today.
07. A Sharp Dressed Man...Just like that freaky ZZ-top song..."Every girl's crazy about a sharp dressed man"
Are we starting to notice a trend here?
08. People that read and can talk about it. (Comic books don't count)
09. Kindness and generosity
10. Punctuality -- I can't begin to say how I hate people that are late. I know it seems strange to list this as a turn on, but I like to think that if a person cares enough to be on time for something, well then they care about you. Right?
"Engineered Incompetence"
9 hours ago
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