Yeah, it's that time again. It's mind hump time. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
In soap opera, everyone's "entrance" into a scene is accompanied by a song or sound effect -- If music or a sound effect played whenever you walked into a room, what would that sound effect be?
They'd probably play Oingo Boingo's It' Only Makes Me Laugh. Darkness, can never last too long...when you laugh in its face.
HA HA HA! I'm laughing!
Put your thinkin' caps on -- it's time to do the Mind Hump. This week a little "getting to know you" fun with a crazy twist.
01. If you could have a compartment (like a glove compartment) installed on your person, where would you have it installed and what would you keep in it (other than things you would keep in your wallet or purse)?
I wouldn't have one. I don't need anymore compartments where I could lose things. My purse is bad enough. Everything sinks to the bottom. If I had a place on my body to put things oye things would so get lost!
02. A local university has asked you to teach a class about the one thing you know the most about. What would you be teaching and what would the name of the course be?
I'd teach Pop Music 101, 201, 301 and Graduate Pop Music. Did you expect any other answer?
03. Commercials ... they can make us laugh or can annoy the heck out of us. Tell us about your favorite commercial and/or a commercial you simple loathe.
Remember that Pepto Bismol commercial that ran a few months back. The one were they're doing the little dance... Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, Diarrhea. Yeah, that one. Makes me laugh every time.
04. If we were to tiptoe into your room while you were sleeping, what position are we likely to find you in, on what side of the bed and are you a snorer, drooler, a sleep talker or sleep walker?
I sleep to the side of the bed, snuggled around my schizophrenic pillow, Justin...or is it John..or Elvis...or..well, you see why it's schizophrenic now.
05. "Snips and snails and puppy dogs tails - that's what little boys are made of. Sugar and spice and everything nice - that's what little girls are made of." Besides those things mentioned above, what are some of things you personally might be made of?
2 parts chocolate for sweetness
4 parts music for liveliness
3 parts snarkyness
1 part amaretto sour for lustfullness
2 parts whoopie cushion for humor
Cartoon Saturday
9 hours ago
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