~ Blog Explosion is a wacky wonderful place.
To all of you coming by through that site, stop and say hello, so I can come and visit your blogs.
Blog Explosion is very addictive and through surfing I've learned a few things.
1. I didn't know that many people could knit.
2. People who post regularly about their political affiliations can get on my nerves.
3. My life is really dull.
4. There are some really great templates out there.
~ I heard Oingo Boingo playing on the streets of Charleroi yesterday. I don't know if they had it programed into the music program that plays through the streetlights for the Halloween parade or if it was something random that happened to freak me out.
I skipped off to Curves singing Dead Man's Party. I bet those ladies thought I was nuts.
~ I was having weird dreams last night. I was at some club, (it resembled Metropol, or what once was Metropol here in Pittsburgh) trying to find a bathroom. The kicker was I had my nephew with me. Only my nephew wasn't 12 he was more like 3. There was Moody Blues music playing and all sorts of other weird stuff.
I would love to know where my brain comes up with this stuff. Hearing the Moody Blues (it was Never Comes The Day for those of you that are curious) had to come from the Oingo incident earlier in the day, but the rest of it makes no sense at all.
~ Julia Fordham has a new CD out and I didn't know about it. And if her official site is correct it's been out for awhile. I hate missing out on albums by my favorite artists.
The plus is, her site has some great soundclips from the album which is called That's Life as well as some videos from her previous CDs. So, being the Music Whore, I recommend that you go there and have a look.
She did a song I absolutely adore called Hope Prayer and Time, the video is there as well.
~ The official Moody Blues site has pictures posted from the Threshold reopening (grumbles jealously)
Here's one of them...along with a thank you to Ms. Birdie who reminded me to have a look.
I wish Mr. Lodge would take the sunglasses off his neck. But then again, who cares he looks lovely.
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