1. My friend Mary is coming home this weekend, which means that I will finally get the hell out of this house this weekend. Allow me to dance for joy! The only problem is neither of us really knows where we want to go, we just know that we want to go somewhere.
2. I'm going back to the dentist for my followup appointment tonight. Basically I'm just getting my teeth cleaned. I'm actually looking forward to this, because I want to know how that horrible rinse is working and how much longer I'm going to have to use it.
3. I've been unbelievably tired this week. I've gone to sleep early in hopes of feeling better to no avail. I just want to curl up somewhere for several long hours and sleep and sleep and sleep.
4. My CDs from CDBaby came yesterday! Now I have to get them on my hard drive. If I weren't so sleepy, maybe I'd get something done.
5. I think I'm coming down with a cold, to make matters worse. Seriously this is not a good time to be sick. I want to leave the house. I don't want to be sick!
6. I've been reading Duran Duran message boards lately, which is a double edged sword. I discovered some demos that I hadn't heard. But lordy, more wackadoodles! Another good thing is that I find more lovely things there. Like this
7. I've heard conflicting things about the Moodies tour schedule this summer. Are they touring...aren't they. I want to know soon, because I want to try to figure out what my summer is going to be like. Honestly, as much as I love the band, I think I could live without a concert this year, if I could get enjoy Atlantic City without any worries, or if I could get to a few more places on my list of places to go list.
8. I've decided I'm going to buy a membership at Phipps Conservatory this year. I usually just use my sister's family membership, but I may actually have some extra cash so I'll be able to give them a donation.
9. Why is it that paying local taxes is so damn hard. Our local tax authority went to a privatized company to collect the local taxes and it's been a headache. I've got my state and federal taxes filed..I even have my return back from the federal gov't, but I just keep putting off the local.
10. I'm in a mix CD making kind of mood. I begged Moody Mistress for a few Elvis Costello bootlegs that I didn't have and in return I'm sending her some mixes. I haven't made a real mix cd since Christmas.
11. I just realized that the only photos I've taken recently were of a fish tank at my hair salon. My cameras are ready to run away from home if they don't get some use soon.
12. Elvis Costello's live CD is out next Tuesday (I think) I wonder if I'll be able to find it anywhere around my home or if I'll have to wait til I go to a mall.
13. My kitty is going for his first shots next Tuesday. After that I have to make an appointment to get him neutered. The thought of having a day without my Oogie leaves me filled with dread. I love my kitten.
Other Thursday Thirteeners!
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