The meme brought to you by Fallen over at Music Memoirs.
1. Name 5 songs that you can't sit through without dancing. Dancing in your chair counts.
What you guys don't know is that I'll dance to anything!!!
Erasure - Don't Say Your Love Is Killing Me
Erasure - Tell It To Me
The Moody Blues - Top Rank Suite (Yeah I dance to the Moodies, wanna make something of it?)
Duran Duran - Electric Barbarella
Pet Shop Boys - Yesterday, When I Was Mad
2. Name 5 songs that never fail to run you off a dance floor - or make you change the station.
Ok..I don't listen to the we'll stick with my Metropol experiences.
Violent Femmes - Add It Up
Beastie Boys - Fight For Your Right To Party or whatever the hell that song is called.
Violent Femmes - Blister in the Sun
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (Any Michael Jackson song actually)
Soft Cell - Tainted Love the 10 minute remix from hell. This is a great fun song, when it's three minutes long. Remix it and it becomes hell!
3. What is your signature song?
I've answered this one a few times: The Beatles - Nowhere Man.
Cartoon Saturday
18 hours ago
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