This time it's 10 on Tuesday.
Ten Reasons Why Valentines Day is a Stupid Holiday
What? Only 10?
10. Candy is the root of all evil and fat.
09. More people get dumped on Feb 12 and 13th because some people are too cheap to buy candy or flowers.
08. If you're single, only imagine how much this day sucks.
07. It's a given, if you have a significant other, the present you receive won't be what you wanted. In fact, if he's a cheap ass, it will come from the floral department of Walmart and it will be carnations.
06. It doesn't even rate a Charlie Brown Special.
05. Did St. Valentine even exist? I want proof!
04. Most of the time the only Valentine you get is from a family member or a smart assed friend with a sick sense of humor.
03. You can't go out to eat, because all the happy couples have crowded every damn restaurant with their lovey dovey sickening behavior.
02. Those candy hearts with the sayings on them taste like crap!
01. Diamonds aren't forever god damn it!
The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for February, 2025
19 hours ago
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