I think I'm having my PMS funk right now. It's about that time.
~Aren't you glad I shared?~
I can't seem to concentrate on anything, and every little thing is annoying me. On top of it all, that damn crud I suffered with, is still lingering. I have a clogged ear. Yay! I can't hear out of my damn right ear. Let me tell you how many kinds of fun that is.
I'm antsy about work, because Saturday is my first day going solo and the owner will be there. Way to be nervous. I'm always nervous about things like that. I have no confidence in my abilities. I always feel like I'm going to fail.
I'm having telephone anxiety, even though I've worked as a receptionist and a call center billing specialist. Hell I worked phone sales/customer service too for a time. Does that make me feel any better? Hell no. I can only see my failures which have been many. Hell, my whole life is one big failure after another.
But that's not the point. The point is I feel like I don't want to move. (At work I'm fine) When I'm home I just feel drained. Maybe it's because I've been out of work so long. But I just found myself staring at something I had been working on for two hours. I couldn't even work on it, and music was driving me buggy.
Yeah you read that right. MUSIC WAS DRIVING ME BUGGY!
I hope this weekend calms me down. I work on Saturday morning. I have an appointment for my hair/mop afterwards. Sunday, Lady Starlight, her youngest son and I are going to Phipps Conservatory to wander through the gardens. Afterwards we're going to wander around the South Side and look for good places to eat.
If I'm lucky, by Sunday I'll be in the mood for something other than being nervous about things I shouldn't be nervous about and feeling sorry for myself.
Anyone have a happy pill for me?
6396 - Saturday jokes
4 minutes ago
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