Wednesday What If
The crack smokers at Wednesday What-if are out and about again. So bright and early I'm bringing you there questions. I hope that the computer gods are friendlier to me tonight. I really wanted to get some things done, but crash and burn seemed to be the computer's motto. Oh happy day.
1. What if you could choose to be the ruler of one country on Earth?
In a daydream sense, I'd be the Queen of England. I want to be the figurehead ruler. I want to open parliment. I don't want to be PM. I just want the glamor of it. Ruling countries is not fun it seems. I just want a crown, some jewels and people to adore me.
2. What if you could be one politically influential person who is alive today (like President Bush or even Oprah)?
After reading the suggestions I find that I cannot answer this question. The suggestions have made me laugh too damn hard.
3. What if you could finalize one cause (such as end world hunger or stop animal cruelty)?
Can you really pick one cause that is better than another. If I ended world hunger would that not take care of world peace as well? In alot of instances the government is keeping food from their people. So in getting food to these nations they would also be getting new leadership.
Oh but the real cause I want to finalize..the stop abusing Andrea cause, which would forbid all celebrities from marrying. Those that are married...well those marriages are null and void..Start sending the support checks if you have children. That's one way to set my concubines free..and to make sure none of them do anything STUPID marry that ugly Krall tramp.
~ the things I think up at 7:30 am
4. What if you could entirely make-over your own country -- what would it be like?
Much the same as it is..only the fearless leader would have actually been the one elected by the people...
5. What if you could start a new planet -- what it would be like?
Planet Concubine...And I'm ready to help populate it. (erm..not really)
Musical Sunday
16 hours ago
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