This or That
It's that time again. This or That time. I can feel your excitement. These things are so fun to fill out in the wee hours of the morning. You know when the brain can't actually think to do anything else.
1. Yummier: Chocolate ice cream or strawberry cheesecake?
mmmm mmmm Cheesecake. I've never met a cheesecake I didn't like
2. Better to watch on TV: Movies or sports?
Movies, though I don't often watch eithher. I'm a Vh-1 addict..and BBC America for that matter. Videos and Britcoms are my weakness.
3. A better web browser: MSIE or Netscape (or tell us your own favorite!)
Internet Explorer, I haven't used Netscape in ages.
4. A better way to travel: Automobile or bus/train?
Car, I like to have control over my destiny. Which means I'm holding onto the wheel.
5. Your preferred camera: Digital or film?
Digital cameras are great. Instant gratification, you can see instantly how bad you fobarred the shot.
6. A Cooler Vehicle: Motorcycle or sports car?
Sports Car...In fact a nice black jag with Elvis Costello behind the wheel would be the preferred automobile.
7. More fun: Video games or board games?
Do I have to pick? I don't really get into either much. I'm going to go with board games, cos well..Pac Man was the only video game I could stand. oh and Tetris.
8. Sexier: A perfect body or an intelligent mind?
An intelligent mind..but when that intelligent mind has perfect body...Wootness...
9. A stinkier smell: Skunk or gasoline (petrol)?
Uh....skunk..cos it lingers...kinda like the song by the Cranberries of the same name...
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: What is more important to you: making a ton of money and being at the top of your field, or finding your soulmate and living a comfortable but not wealthy life?
I hate that question. I don't have a real field where I'd ever make a ton of money. Unless I get a novel published. In which case hell yeah, I want to make a ton of money. Soul mates don't exist..Love is a figment of overactive imaginations..and it will never happen to me.,
See, you'lve gone and made me bitter this early in the morning. That's not nice..So to make myself feel a bit better, I'll answer the Daily Double questions as well. Now you can be twice as bored.
1. How was your easter break? How did you spend your easter break?
Easter break? I had the weekend off. I spent the time with my family and my friends. I was a good girl, I went to church. I ate lotsa chocolate. All in all it was a good weekend.
2. How many hours of sleep do you get every night?
Anywhere from 5 to 8 hours. It all depends on how frisky I am the night before. I so like to stay up, but that doesn't change the fact taht I start work at 8:30 am
Now I feel better....
Musical Sunday
9 hours ago
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