Something Stolen..and other Randomness
I stole this idea from the Forgetful Elephant. This is truly a wonderful little survey thingie that made me think. I know I've answered similiar questions before, but now I can get specific.
List those special possessions that lift your spirits and make your life brighter:
~ My signed program from Elvis Costello's Cruel tour
~ The few notes I have that were sent to me by Greg Proops (what a sweetie he can be when he wants to.)
~ The autographed Erasure CD that Linda got for me from the signing in Chicago
~ My Danny Elfman photo collection
~ The psycho computer from hell
~ My cds...all 3000 or more of them
~ A very lovely picture of me and the man of my dreams
~ My concert t-shirts from the Costello show, Def Leppard and Duran Duran
Other CD Swap Info
For those of you interested. Email me by May 9th. That way everyone has time to get things in order. I'd like to get alot of people involved. This can be a fun way to discover new music or cringe happily to old music..or summat similiar. Also..if your not graphically inclined...Tracklisting is all that's needed, but if you do like to do cover art...Go for it!
Terrible Music Rant
Ok, this just dawned on me during my horribly boring day at work today. Huey Lewis had a career in music! How can that be? Why did someone sign him. More to the point, why did Nick Lowe let him produce one of his records? I mean I'm a fan of most 80's music but truly this was awful
Why has Huey (even the name is awful) pop into my mind? Well I have a radio at work, and oddly they play Huey alot! Too much in fact. This got me thinking..he had 2 big albums..Sport was the really big one...God songs like I Want a New Drug and the Power of Love make me nauseous..nevermind..Huey is horrible..
Oh and why did Elvis feel the need to write with Darryl Hall? Mind you I love the song 'The Only Flame in Town' but he might have just written with Duran Duran. Dear lord that would be a mindless song..I don't think even Elvis could make Simon's lyrics thoughtful..
Lastly..Teen Pop was more tolerable and less sleazy in the 80's. Though they picked up on the sleaze factor later. I found people like Debbie or Deborah Gibson as she is now called and Tiffany more tolerable than their current counterparts...As for NKOTB..PAH to all boy bands...though their music is infectious..and I do own some of it..I will admit that I prefer the newer counterparts of the boybands animal. I think it's because the songwriters for these wretched bands are better than they were 15 years ago. That's just my personal arrogant opinion
Enough said....Bye Bye Bye
Musical Sunday
10 hours ago
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