Remembering why I don't bother with that dating thing
Allow me to rant if you will. Three unsuspecting women enter the Tiki Lounge on Carson Street in Pittsburgh's South Side sometime after 5 pm yesterday. All three were hoping to have a nice amaretto sour..giggle at the bad music and ponder why there is no good music ever played in any establishment in the fair city of Pittsburgh.
Oh how things go so very wrong.
Firstly a lovely jukebox was installed at said Tiki Lounge. On this jukebox several bits of goodness by Elvis Costello, the Cure, Bauhaus, Everything but the Girl and more more I tell you. So we wasted about 4 dollars there on 10 songs, which was fine by me. I made the bar listen to just about every Costello song on the box which were these : Tart, I Don't Want to Go To Chelsea, Veronica, Oliver's Army, and Watching the Detectives.
Well low and behold these 2 guys/men come into the Tiki and make a beeline for the jukebox. Oddly as we overheard their conversation, they liked Costello and several others that we were playing. Mind you we were all singing to the Smiths and just about all the other really good eighties tunes that were playing. It seems that we had amused them.
The dark haired one (who looks suspciously like said concubine costello) buys us a round of shots (shot of the day: Red Headed Sluts) This is where it gets weird. Said men...come and sit with us. Costello look alike whose name is Bill, has decided to give us nicknames: Erin is Paige (after Betty), Apple is Bowie, and I'm Costello.
Well it seems we were destined to follow them about for a good portion of the night. No I lie..they were to hold us captive for about 5 hours. They seemed to think we needed to go to at least 3 other bars with them. We were at Kaya in the Strip District, Dee's Cafe in the South Side and Bar 11 in the South Side as well.
Long story short...we went along with them. Cos well they were paying. We only paid for those first sours when we got to the Tiki. I figured the whole night cost Bill and Ian close to 100 dollars. Hah stupid boys. Anyway, the Costello looking boy..who was 33 and with good taste in music...decides that he will latch onto me.
I'm quite pleased by he has the look of my concubine..and is funny and listens to good music. Unfortunately I can't have good luck. At midnight we hit the last stop of the evening, Bar 11. He's holding my hand...hand on my back..I'm happy...we find cute little stools to sit on in the back...
Of course as my luck would have it...said secretary that Bill had a crush on..shows up. I become the Invisible woman. I no longer exist. Funny thing is that I feel a bit hurt and bewildered by this all. It makes me wonder what's wrong with me that I can't keep anyone's attention for any amount of time.
Am I too fat? Are my clothes not right? Am I ugly...
I've decided it's all three...
I'm the bastard step child that no one will ever care about...
Nuff said..I've been rejected by better men then I lie I probably haven't...but boy am I depressed now.
Musical Sunday
9 hours ago
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