Friday, March 28, 2008

TV Ramblings

I watch Torchwood. I admit it. I'm slowly becoming a total Whovian. I finally watched Adrift and I have to say, I cried through the last 20 minutes of it. I hate when tv shows do that to me.

There's enough for me to cry about without me crying because of some stupid show, but dammit this episode was good. It was really really good.

A few weeks ago I caved and started hunting down the episodes that aired in the UK, because BBC America is about 3 maybe 4 weeks behind and I belong to several communities on Livejournal for the show, and frankly I hate hearing everyone talk about the episodes they've watched.

I have no patience. None.

I don't know that I'll be watching Doctor Who on Sci-Fi, because we'll be a month behind the UK on that one too.

I can't handle it. I need my favorite shows NOW! I don't care when or where they originate. I think it's grossly unfair that movies get different releases for different countries. (Same goes for music, but I won't go there) And with so much going on the internet, being a week or behind is damn painful!!!

But back to Adrift. Best. Episode. Ever. I can't believe I'm saying that considering that I don't care for Gwen Cooper and that was the character that the show focused on. But whoa! Go Gwen.

And seriously if you don't cry in the last 20 minutes at all, you have no heart. No heart whatsoever. Now I have to watch Fragments!!!!!!