Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Strawberry Milkshake Oreos!

As if my waistline needs anything else to help it expand! I went to Walmart on Monday to get a few things for my Gram, as she managed to get the cold I had last week, and passing through the food section I came across the new limited edition Oreos.


I don't usually like changes on perfection, and Oreos are one of nature's most perfect cookies (along with Samoas by the Little Brownie Bakery), but the strawberry creme is yummerific! (Take that Rachael Ray)

I hope they are around a for awhile, because I hate falling in love with something only to have it disappear a few weeks later.

Hmmm. That sounds like every relationship I've had in my life. Ah well, at least I can't be too traumatized by the loss of a cookie now can I?

So if you are a fan of Oreos and strawberry flavor well let me tell you, you're going to have a happy glass of milk if you find these cookies!