Top 5 Silly Song Titles
And if you're feeling frisky a bonus:
Top 5 Silly Album Titles
First up, the silly song titles:
1. The Beatles - Ob la di, Ob La da
Mr. McCartney care to explain that one?
2. The Monkees - Randy Scouse Git
As Micky once said, the song title roughly translated is Horny Urban Jerk.
3. Elvis Costello - Honey, Are You Straight Or Are You Blind?
This is one song that I'd like Elvis to explain. Most of the time I don't care what inspired the songs, but this time, I'm curious.
4. Oingo Boingo - Reptiles and Samurai
I'll have whatever poison Mr. Elfman is having!
5. The Shins - Know Your Onion!
Next songs, know your potato, your celery and your green pepper!
Now for the album titles.
1. The Moody Blues - In Search Of The Lost Chord
Aren't we getting close to 40 years and they still haven't found it? Guys? Where did you see that chord last?
2. Glen Tilbrooke - Transatlantic Ping Pong
This one's just plain weird!
3. Paul McCartney - Chaos and Creation In The Backyard
OK, Paul. I'm not sure if I want to hang out in your backyard.
4. Nick Lowe - Jesus Of Cool
Erm? Yeah. Another one for the wacky files.
5. David Bowie - Hunky Dory
Guess someone was feeling good when they titled this album.
Now if you want, go to Music Memoirs and play along!
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