Ever have one of those days when you just hate the big old f-ing world? (Look I was nice I didn't spell out the nasty f-word)
I think I fell out of the wrong side of the bed today. Or perhaps I was pushed out by one of the insects that came in through my window fan in the middle of the night to feast on whatever body part they could sink their little teeth (or whatever the fuck it is that bugs have...Oops did I just type fuck? Well yes I fucking did, pardon moi, please) into.
I have, at last count 9 bug bites on my legs and hand. (Yeah my hand)
Let's just say I'm not a happy camper right now. I'm itchy and I can't take a Benedryl because those put me right to sleep and I work afternoons. ARGH! I can't take one when I get home because I work the morning shift on Saturday.
Insert that four letter word beginning with f a few zillion more times.
I'm absolutely miserable. I think the flu is actually more appealing than being a bug buffet! I suppose it's nice to know that I'm a tasty treat, even if it's some nasty bug that thinks so.
Musical Sunday
42 minutes ago
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