I can't believe I've been blogging for three years, as of today. I started this blog at the insistance of an online friend that I don't keep in touch with much anymore. I suppose that's just another way times and people change.
The look of this blog has changed at least a dozen times over the past three years. The layout you see now, however has been the layout that's lasted the longest. (That's only because I haven't found a good picture of John Lodge to replace the squirrelly looking Mr. Hayward)
Many things in my life have changed in three years; my musical tastes, (You'll find not a mention of the Moody Blues in early entries), my jobs, (lets not discuss that) and the content.
I have to admit like most people who start blogs, I had no idea what to type here. I posted memes, surveys, lists and some of my stories in the back pages. Later on, I deleted the stories, as I consider them clutter on the blog and are confusing for any poor schmuck that happens on my archives.
Still, the last 3 years have been fun, full of ups and downs (a lot of downs), and many many fun times.
I've been to Atlantic City 3 times
I've seen the Moody Blues 5 times metting Justin and John on the first occassion.
I've seen Elvis Costello 2 times and met him on both occassions
I've written numerous short stories and written 3 that are novels in length.
I've discovered a love of photography.
So it's been very productive and fun 3 years. I hope I have three more.
Incidently, blogging has kept me happy and sane, or rather as sane as I can be these last 3 years
Musical Sunday
31 minutes ago
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