I have a bad case of the crankies and even the hunks that surface on hump day aren't making it better
Not even him:
and more surprisingly not even him:
A few reasons why I'm so cranky....
1. I'm not built to endure extremes in temperature. If I wanted to live somewhere where the temperature exceeded 90 degrees, I would have moved to Florida or Texas or somewhere else in the realm of the Red States.
2. I don't think I forgot to mention that the part for Bernie the Beretta was more expensive than I was quoted and now I have no money for the rest of the week. Thank God payday is tomorrow! (Only it has to go to pay bills)
3. Cincinnati is looking like it's going to happen, which shouldn't be something to make me cranky, but crikey! The whole Fall 2005 Tour schedule has just pissed me off beyond belief. I'd like to kick some serious Moody Blues butt. Who can I kick first? I'll start with band members and save the serious kicking for the idiot who arranges their tours.
Why can't these guys tour like normal bands?
No, I don't want an answer to that, it might scare me.
4. My job, that I kinda like is making me nuts. Why? Because our business was sold, but I was told I was keeping my job and kinda of getting a promotion. Truth be told, I don't have good feelings about this. Everything has been too hush hush and now the day for the new owners to take over has come and gone and nothing has happened. So I have to say, I'm visiting the classified more often than I was a few weeks ago.
5. Speaking of jobs and things that make me cranky, my other boss from that weird job I worked at for 2 years on again off again, just called. WTF? He had disappeared for a month, leaving me in the lurch and now he's trying to get in touch with me?
No, I didn't answer. He doesn't owe me money this time, so I'm not answering just yet. I don't need that kind of aggravation in my life.
God, I need to go to my happy place!
Speaking of happy places..I'll stop bitching for a few moments to do the August challenge:
My happiness today is Atlantic City. I'm not saying I don't like to gamble but there are so many other things to do there, that gambling is secondary. Such a beautiful city...with a beautiful boardwalk and ocean to keep me amused for days and days and days.
Oh it also has my favorite casino!
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
14 hours ago
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