Ah yes, I've been googled again.
This time the lucky searcher that landed here came seeking the answer to this question.
Go on, click. You know you want to.
Yeah, it's the "Is Justin Hayward still married?" question.
Why not ask a better question?
How did Marie Hayward's nose get so long.
How many affairs did Justin Hayward have in the course of his 30+ year marriage?(And yes, he's had them, Marie said so in an interview)
Perhaps the question should be, "Why is Justin Hayward still married?"
My favorite would be this one...
How ugly do you have to be to be married to Justin Hayward?
Well I can answer that...
This ugly
Perhaps it's cruel of me to call her ugly. Perhaps, beauty is more than skin deep. Wait, does she really have skin? She's practically a skeleton in a leather outfit that should be worn on a much much younger (prettier) female.
Perhaps ugly isn't truly the right word for Marie...
Perhaps I should use a song...
Witchy Woman
Yeah...I think that's the one!
I'd like to thank the googlers that brought this moment of insanity to me today. It was greatly appreciated.
Now the Witchdoctors of Google Search shall dance
EDIT: This is another silly Google search.
Erm. Apparently the Official Moody Blues site doesn't list band members names? C'mon. We all know that's not true. (Though it doesn't list former members Ray Thomas or Mike Pinder....still)
So before bed, I think the witchdoctors get to go another round on the dance floor.
Oh and The Singers in that Rock N' Roll Band known as the Moody Blues are as follows
Justin HAYWARD (In case you can't spell it...and so many people can't)
John Lodge (The man, the myth, the sexiest butt in the band)
Ray Thomas (Retired from the band, flautist extraordinaire and composer of many beautiful Moody tunes)
Mike Pinder (Mellotron Melancholy Man...)
And the poet of the band
Drummer Graeme Edge...Breathe deep...the gathering gloom...witchdoctors dance in every room.
(apologies to Mr. Edge)
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
1 day ago
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