There is nothing I can say about last night's concert that would in anyway do justice to the wonderful performance I was lucky enough to see.
The setlist was exquisite. I wouldn't want them to change a thing, and that goes for See Saw as the encore. They did four tracks from the new December CD, including my very favorite, Don't Need a Reindeer. I couldn't even pick a highlight of the show, everything was so incredible. There wasn't one flaw to the performance given by these fine musicians. They gave their energy and enthusiam to everyone there.
The guys looked great and everyone had a wonderful time. I never met so many sweet people in my life. Moodiegirl from the Higher and Higher Board was one of the nicest fans I've had the opportunity to meet. Everyone was wonderful.
John Lodge is the kindest, sweetest man I've ever had the good fortune of meeting. I will cherish the feeling of his very warm arms around me for the rest of my life. It made the day so much more special.
Justin was a sweetie as well, but he's more wary around fans. He did call me darling and he flashed that beautiful smile of his in my direction, so that I could snap a picture.
The Jays, two of the finest, men in the business. They are men that know their craft well. For those 2 hours, I was a part of the magic. I hope I can capture it again someday.
I did forget someone, Graeme. I want to thank him for the laughs during Higher and Higher. It's so wonderful to watch and listen to people that are enjoying themselves, and he sure was during that song.
I don't think there is much else I can say. I don't really believe I'll ever have an experience like that again. I only know this. Those guys don't need Merlin to cast a spell, they do it fine on their own.
This is one Hayho, who'll keep the faith
Curse Blogrolling
Someone tampered with blogrolling last night and all my links to my favorite blogs vanished. So if you don't see your link on the side, shout out so I can add you back. I tried to get as many back that I could. Thank god for the shout outs and chatterbox, or I'd have lost all.
6398 - B12
1 hour ago