Here's todays Seven
01. Have you ever had a surprise party?
No, I absolutely hate parties. I prefer to have a dinner or what not with one or two friends or family.
02. What makes someone lame?
Do you have a few hours, I can make a list...
Just a rundown...
People that live and breathe one thing...and refuse to experience anything else life has to offer
People who believe that Britney, Christina, and Celine Dion have talent...(Ok..perhaps not lame...just musically challenged)
People that refuse to look beyond outward appearances
03. What do adults do that you will never do?
Put aside my obsession for music to work 40 hours and not enjoy the sounds of the bands I love.
04. What do children/teens do that you would have never done?
Show my belly to the world. No one ever ever wants to see that?
05. Forever you want to be forever young?
Only if the vampire that bites me looks like Justin Hayward or John Lodge! OK OK or Elvis Costello..or Danny Elfman...Geeze..I do like some other men ya know!
06. Do you really want to live forever?
Not if this Alphaville song is going to remain stuck in my head! The truthful answer, No!
07. What could make you so happy right now that you would cry and laugh and sing?
Do you really have to ask that? Cos I got part of that wish on Sunday night..Let's just say this:
could make all of that possible.
And here I was trying to avoid mentioning my Moody Men today.
The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for January, 2025
8 hours ago