Roadtrip Music....and other fun things
As the day approaches for me to see my Justiny Poo and company, I'm trying to get some tunes ready to take with me on the road. So far I've gone through all the lists of mixes I've made over the past few months and burned some of them.
I've made artwork for all of them too.
So I've been kind of busy.
Which CDs did I burn? I burned myself a copy of the Quintessential Burn mix, (the 2 cd set), My Freaky Favorites (from my sad little CD Swap), reburned my Sultry Mix now called In the Mood, and I'm redoing the Decade of Song for the 60's at the moment.
I'm going to be burning the Burn it - Summer Mix again...cos I found artwork I printed for mine, that I never made today. Woot! One less thing I have to print!
Oh and since I haven't said this yet, Sunday is the Moody Blues concert!!!
(spins and dances in excitement)
Can one person be this happy? Not often!
6398 - B12
1 hour ago
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