Don't Make Me Think - A musical musing
After a night of power outages and snow fall, I'm not in the mood to be deep and thoughtful. Wait! I'm never deep and thoughtful. At least not here. Still, I don't want to think yet this morning. Unfortunately that idea has been compromised..
I was reading through my list of blogs on the roll this morning and I came up with an entry at Emily's blog that made me think, growl and subsequently storm from the computer.
What was the topic that got me fired up this morning?
Musical artists that I wanted to like but couldn't...
I probably wouldn't be ranting if one person...One single ,solitary individual hadn't been on the list. Yeah you guessed it, Elvis Costello.
So I got to thinking about Elvis. Cos I haven't done that in a very long time, at least in a non-I'd like to throttle you for engaging yourself to that Princess of Pork way.
He does have an odd-acquired taste voice.
Drat...I got fired up for nothing. I had a giggle at the bands and artists listed. I especially liked the part about the goth guys trying to sound like Peter Murphy. Which proves that even in more indie forms of music, that people try to conform to something that is successful in hopes that they too will be successful. Which is why all of Top 40 sounds exactly the same.
So it all ends up to, no two people will have the same taste in music. Which is why musical arguements are the most fun. Just say someone's favorite artist is shite or you don't like them and watch what happens. Madness and mayhem ensue.
I dare you to tell my sister that the Scorpions suck! And while you are doing that, I'll leave the country so I don't have to hear the ear piercing screams that will be coming from her I don't want to get blood on my new outfit.
The most fun part in arguing music is listening to how pertentious and arrogant people get about their favorite bands. (Sticks nose up in the air...Mssrs Hayward and Lodge are far superior to all other songwriters....then after you finish laughing you can finish reading this rant)
I want to say this right now. I don't want the Moody Blues to be everyone's favorite band. Thankfully at this stage in their career, I won't have to worry about that. I tend to prefer the underdog. I like enjoying the music that people don't usually like.
My Costello underdog would be Punch the Clock. I love that disc. I also like Goodbye Cruel World...mind you, the Daryl Hall track is a bit much...but there's Inch By Inch to consider and I Wanna Be Loved! where is that damn cd.'s true, go to any message board and you'll see that. You'll also find at least one fan that feels the band could be something more. That they should be doing something differently so that they would have a number 1 album or a more successful album.
Oye, I can think of one guy on the Moody Blues Higher and Higher Board that I could throttle. He finds fault with everything. They don't promote themselves yada yada yada. It goes on and on.
I think once you start liking a band you feel like they belong to you and you would love to give your imput to their careers, but crikey, sometimes it gets to be a bit much. Though it does provide me with hours of entertainment and many long rants on this blog.
Which proves I'm just as bad as all the rest....Tee Hee..
6398 - B12
1 hour ago
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