Mr. Costello..kindly leave my subscious
Damn and blast I had the oddest dream about Elvis Costello and his "cyst." last night. It was beyond weird. He was sitting out at the picnic table in our front yard with the blonde one...Why? I do not know.
I was in my room sulking and making my ususal remarks about his choice of female company. My mother forced me to go outside and speak to them. Adding the very momlike - Be Nice.
But mom...I don't want to be nice to "the cyst," she's marrying a manwhore of mine...One that up until these past few months was very high on the manwhore list.
Needless to say, as the subconcious is Catholic and is full of things to make you feel guilty, I learned in the dream that "the cyst" was a very nice woman. The whole family agreed. I was pleased that my dream made her more physically unappealing than I find her. Well thank you subconcious for that little thing.
Now the question is, What was this all about? and Should I put the kettle on and expect company?
6398 - B12
1 hour ago
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