OK, Vh-1 Classic and their stupid Thanksgiving program is making me nutso. I think I prefer my own dysfunctional family to Dee Snider, Gloria Gaynor and Deborah Gibson! Have any of you seen this? Ms. Gibson had a neckline so low, Diana Krall was jealous!! I'm serious!! It was scary! Plus her lipstick was drawn on at least a half an inch above her actual lip!
The nice thing was they played a few good videos while it was on: The Damned's Shadow of Love (always good for a chuckle) and Wang Chung's Let's Go.
I've also come to a conclusion that some 60's music should only be listened to if you are on drugs. That has to be the only reason some people liked it. For instance Donovan's Hurdy Gurdy Man....uh...huh? What was that all about? Hey, maybe that explains Itchy Coo Park. Nah...nothing can explain Itchy Coo Park!
I'm a trifle sad, I had no further dreams about the Moody Blues last night. I was enjoying my nightly visits by the Jays. It was keeping me sane. Well maybe not sane, but at least amused.
I'm still on this blasted dial up connection as well. Which makes doing everything a bit obnoxious. Here's hoping it doesn't last more than the 2 more days they promised. I miss reading everyones blogs. :(
The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for February, 2025
2 hours ago