The Music Whore's Top Ten Albums of All Time
The first interview question got me to thinking about my vast collection of music. I've always had a hard time picking out my favorites of anything, but today I'm going to try. These are the Top 10 from my CD Collection..which spans over 3000 discs..This does not mean that these albums are the best things recorded musically, I'm not a critic. In fact if it's number one on the critic's list, I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate it.
10. George Harrison - George Harrison: A lovely album from 1979 with several unnoticed gems on it. I particularly enjoy the song Faster, which is oddly about a auto racer...though I sense a touch of autobiography to it in parts..Another track from this album that stands out, is the sequel to Here Comes the Sun; Here Comes the Moon. I haven't listened to much of George's records since his death. Even though it's going on 2 years since his passing, I still get teary when I see or hear his voice.
09. The Police - Syncronicity: The last album by one of the 80's finest bands, that just couldn't get along. Though I have to say this. They at least behaved like gentlemen at the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame this year. (kicks bruce thomas in his ass) I know alot of people have issues with Sting. I'm not one of them. I'm looking forward to his new album this much as the slew of others coming out in the next 8 weeks. But why Sycronicity? It's the epitome of the best...with the 2 hugely successful can't be ignored singles - Wrapped Around Your Finger and Every Breath You Take. Those two tracks should be answer enough.
08. Matchbox Twenty - Yourself or Someone Like You: One of the great pop/rock bands of the 1990's, they make my list for being just that, a pop/rock band. Yes this was probably the most overplayed album of that year, but you can't fault Rob Thomas' songwriting. (or his cute little face either) This was an album where every track was listenable and had single potential. (they damn near released everything on it as well)
07. Cher - Believe: Before you throw tomatoes at the music whore...I will remind you that these are my top ten albums and need not have to be ground breaking or inspirational to a growing crop of artists. This album is by far one of Cher's best and I have them all. This is an all around fun, dancy album that should remind the world that Cher is by far one of pop music's DIVAs.
06. Elvis Costello and the Attractions - This Year's Model: And he was having this year's model at the time. (and probably last years and the year before). Do I have to say why this album is great? No I think not. Go buy it and listen for'll understand.
05. The Moody Blues - Seventh Sojourn: What's so special about the seventh sojourn? Truly the most beautiful albums of what the industry calls their Core 7. This album features the John Lodge beauty, Isn't Life Strange. A hauntingly lovely song by Ray Thomas called "For My Lady" That's even before I mention one of my favorite Hayward tracks "New Horizons" and Mike Pinder's "Lost In a Lost World" This is an album full of lush (I like that word) melodies and beautiful vocals.
04. U2 - The Joshua Tree: I bow to all that is done by Bono and Co. This is truly one of their best albums and one that I truly love now that I can really appreciate their music. I really hated this one in the 80's when it first came out. It was one of Mtv's overplayed darlings. Now that I've gone back and purchased most of their back catalog, I can love this record for the wonderful piece of work that it is. Even though "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" It's also an album with alot of really long song titles :D.
03. Elvis Costello - When I Was Cruel: Yes, the man gets 2 albums in the top ten. The music whore deems this to be one of the best of his career. Too many stand out tracks to mention...but this line alone gives it the music whore seal of approval "I love you as much as I hate your guts" Tell us how you really feel, Elvis!
02. Paul McCartney - Flaming Pie: One of his best non-wings solo records. It's also the last album with the Lovely Linda. Anything that's come after this is inconsequential. God Bless You Linda for being the inspiration in his life for as long as you were. This was an album written and recorded with love...for friends family and the world...
01. The Beatles - Revolver: The album before Sgt Pepper....with the classics that I love. This is by far my favorite Beatles album. Great tracks by all 4 members...nuff said.
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