The Music Whore doesn't like Elvis Costello's new CD. I feel blashphemous saying it. I feel like I've committed the ulitimate in betrayal. It's not a bad album. No not by a long shot. North is just well.....dull. No, it's not dull, it's just not what I wanted to hear right now.
To me this album is like Elvis woke up and said, "Oh my god, I have to do an album that's just like something my fiancee would do. Wouldn't that make her feel so good?"
Right then and there, someone, a close friend, a passerby, anyone...should have grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him.
No No No!
This album is Elvis writing "Grown Up" music. God I hope he finds his inner child soon, because "Grown Up" music bores me to tears. Ok, maybe it doesn't bore me. If I were bored by it, it wouldn't upset me so much. I don't think I could handle another album like this, though. I want songs that will stick in my head. I want to be able to sing them in my car as I drive along.
Just a note....the Music Whore can sing along to Painted from Memory and the Juliet Letters, and has sung along to them in some pretty strange places...I'm having a rough time recalling the lyrics to Still, and that is my favorite track on the album.
I will say this. It's a beautiful record if you like the kind of song that seem to fade into the background. Songs that you'd expect to here in a smoky nightclub while sipping champagne or bellinis.
For a full review...go to Wenches.
I wish I liked the album as much as I liked the cover.
Alien Clay - An idea driven penal colony tale
14 hours ago