Friday, September 12, 2008

Top Five On Friday - Week 171

I almost forgot to post this on Music Memoirs last night. I'm just not into the whole meme thing as much as I used to be.

Top 5 albums in your music collection right now

Lady Antebellum - Lady Antebellum

This is one country album I adore. They are a fun band that puts on a great show and well they are eye candy too. I like eye candy that sings.

Judd Starr - Spirit & Skin

Judd is an indie artist that's done some work for Mtv shows. He does dancey pop music along the lines of Duran Duran when they didn't suck. To sample some of the tracks from his album go here

Josephine - Unfinished Life

Josephine is another indie artist. A relocated Parisian via Montreal then NYC. Her music is stunning, similar to Toby Lightman and Jewel. She's definitely worth checking out.

Nick Lowe - At My Age

This is still one of my absolute favorite albums of the last 5 years. I hope Nick gets back into the studio and records something equally fabulous soon, or reissues all those old albums I need desperately!

Keri Noble - Let Go

I discovered Keri back in the day when I did a lot of surfing to find new blogs. I'm glad I found her. This is her 3rd album that was only released in Japan. Its totally wonderful. It was supposed to get a release in the US, but so far nothing. There is rumor that she's doing a holiday CD and that fills me with great joy.