There was a time when I thought there was hope for our country, after last night I have lost it. No I am not nor will I ever be an Obama supporter. I'm sick of being told I'm a racist when I state that I do not like the man.
I supported Hillary. I don't support the DNC one iota and will never again say I'll vote a straight party just for the good of the democrats. I believe the people in charge of the party are a bunch of sexist pigs that fear having a Clinton in the White House again. It's funny, the Clinton's seem to know what they were doing with gov't when they were in office for 8 years....well besides a sex scandal or two.
Either way, I'm not keen on either candidate that will sit on the ticket in November, so much so that I may just sit at home, because I doubt my vote matters. It sure as hell didn't in 2000 or 2004.
Maybe I'm just a bitter, jaded person, clinging to my guns and religion now, but I do know this, neither contender seems qualified for the job they are seeking and sadly do we need 4 with an option of 8 years of someone that's inexperienced, and that goes for both candidates.
Executive Orders and The Outrage Economy
8 hours ago
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