I'm a total weakling. I could barely run today on the elliptical today. A woman that had at least 30 years on me was running better than I was.
Then to make matters worse, my mp3 player decides to be sadistic.
It starts firing off songs from a Fleetwood Mac Best Of that I transferred to it in a moment of madness.
What song does it spew at me?
The dreaded Lindsey Buckingham song that I hate with a passion and the song that gets stuck in my head every damn time I hear it.
Over 5000 songs on that player and it picks that one. Then to add insult to injury, two songs after that one, it plays TUSK!
The two most awful, pathetic, vile songs every written by Lindsey. I still wonder what kind of drugs he was taking when he wrote Tusk. I mean they had to be really good ones if he thought that song was good.
And I'm not usually a Mac basher. I really like good Fleetwood Mac. I only bash them when I hear these two songs or when I hear that they are considering letting Sheryl Crow into the band.
Usually I only get the one song on Monday, care of the Pickle DJ, Fishy, when I'm so disposed to listen to the first half of his morning show, which isn't that often anymore. (And we all know which of those two songs he plays every damn MONDAY (FUCKING) MORNING.
Yeah, so needless to say, I'm going to be removing that album from my Zen.
6396 - Saturday jokes
4 minutes ago
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