I have the last 3 weeks of Doctor Who to watch. I just haven't been into staring at the telly too much. Actually I haven't really wanted to stare at the computer much lately. I'm like that Bacharach and David song, I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself.
I was going through pictures and what not. I need a lot of time for scanning soon. Gosh the stuff that there still is to go through. At least I've been walking, which is good. I've been to the gym once this week and I've gone to the walking path twice and walked 2 miles. It's helped a bit.
I just wish I could fall back into my normal routine, only that normal routine included grandma. At 6:30 I always want to go down to the house. In the mornings when I leave for work I always look to her window to see if the blind is up or down. That was her signal to us so we'd know if she was awake or not.
How set in my ways am I really? Very it seems.
Having her gone just makes things the world not seem right.
I think it's going to take quite a while before I catch up with the world around me.
6396 - Saturday jokes
7 minutes ago
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