My favorite Fishy is going to be in the area on Saturday. I'm going to do my best to make sure that I stay in the house all morning. He's doing a station thingie at Tractor Supply in Belle Vernon, which is right up the road from my gym.
And there's going to be a petting zoo!
Double argh!
I've told myself it's best not to go. After all, I don't need anything at Tractor Supply. (Well except maybe a Pickled Herring or two and I'm pretty sure there's only one...and that one has a wife that would pop me one if I tried to commandeer her husband) I don't think that trying to feed a Fish to a goat at the petting zoo counts as something I need at Tractor Supply, right?
Why is it that the only guy I've liked in the last 8 years has to be married? Damn and blast. It's the story of my life. Just about all the guys I've liked/crused on/whatever in the last few years have all been married.
So I'm going to convince myself that staying home on Saturday is the best thing to do, perhaps not for my fragile sanity, but in the long run for my well being. Though I have to say I have a huge hankering for a Fishy hug. They are the nicest things.
6396 - Saturday jokes
7 minutes ago
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