Thirteen things I've done this week.
1. Slept 13 hours to shake a nasty bug that got me. I think it might have worked.
2. Called Fishy (against my better judgment) to tell him about the raise, because I had run out of people to tell, and I'm certifiable.
3. Got to the gym 2 times and I plan 2 more trips there even though I probably shouldn't. But hey, its not the exercise that's making me blerghy, its the food.
4. Found out that you can live on crackers and peppermint candy, when your stomach has gone off all normal food.
5. Got a raise at work.
6. Learned that when happy you can forget you are sick until it's too late.
7. Dubbed the new DJ at the Pickle who goes by the name Doc Holliday "Fishy Jr" because he sounds very much like the Fishtard. (In a good way)
8. Decided that this week's pay increase goes directly into a present for me. Because I deserve it.
9. Shivered even when it was 60 degrees outside.
10. Decided Hem's song The Pills Stopped Working is one of my new favorite songs.
11. Sent Moody Mistress and online mom care packages of goodies (TV and Music)
12. Determined the only way I can lose weight is to get sick.
13. Went to the Nyquil Superhighway and got stuck in a traffic jam.
Der Furor, Take Two
1 day ago
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