Survey Says
You are stranded alone on a desert island .... forever .... and you only have 1 book, 1 CD, and 1 movie. Which would you have with you? Answer why if you want to.
Let me first say..."Why is the Rum Gone?"
Ok, now onto this delightful little meme that I stole from Tummy Monsters
Book: Only one, so this is a hard choice. I'll have to go with The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux, simply because it's one of the only books I've re-read and still loved. I highly recommend it, especially if you want to see how bad Hollywood and Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber screwed up the plot.
CD: Let me first say this is cruel to make me choose. Because picking between the Moody Blues and Elvis Costello is downright mean. Very mean. And if I pick the Time Traveller box by the Moodies, I'll lose out on the beauty of Strange Times and that Reindeer song from December.
And if I pick a Costello best of, well I lose out on all the Moody beauty. ARGH!
Twisting brain!
My best bet though would have to be the Time Traveller Box, as it has most of the Moody Blues beauty I need to survive.
Movie: Pirates of the Carribean, hands down the best film that I can watch over and over again. Plus the cast is just too darn gorgeous.
Musical Sunday
8 hours ago
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