OK..enough of that. It's not worth it to complain.
I've found myself listening to Moody Blues CDs that I've not paid much attention to in the past. Yeah...there are one or two that I don't listen to regularly. (I'm listening to Octave now)
So before I start rambling on about how everyone should buy Octave..cos it's a damn fine album, I'm going to tell you what My Moody Essentials are. The Moody Blues albums I can't live without. I bet your excited!
1. Strange Times (99 was a good Moody year)
2. December (I will be listening to Don't Need a Reindeer in July)
3. Seventh Sojourn (The Best of the Best)
4. Long Distance Voyager (Number one for the Moodies in the 80's)
5. Every Good Boy Deserves Favour (Just a gorgeous album)
So what of the others? Well oddly...I'm a compilation girl myself....so my best of's get more turns on the cd player than the albums. (Except I love playing my vinyl copies of the Core 7)
But really, why is Octave so good?
Mmm Justin..is all I can say. He's got some really great songs on this one, starting with The Day We Meet Again..and then Driftwood..and my personal favorite Top Rank Suite. (I love dancing about to that one) Oh, I neglected another beautiful Hayward song, Had to Fall In Love, bad me.
The more I hear Justin's voice...the more I have to fall in love with him. He just sounds so divine.
Of course I've neglected John in my praise of this album...and he's not without stellar tracks. Steppin in a Slide Zone...great song...as well as Survival. Oh dear god, Lodgey just made me melt. Haven't listened to Survival much...I have to Thud for a minute.
Why you ask?
Cos they look like this
Sexy men...that's all I can say..