Project Costello
I'm helping Moody Mistress develop an Elvis Costello habit. After all, you can't always listen to the same band. Try though we may.
So I'm putting my nose to the grind and I'm trying to come up with a compilation set of 2 discs with my best of Elvis Costello. (leaving off My Aim is True and Blood and Chocolate because she has those already)
OK, so that pretty much scratches several of my favorite songs (I Want You, Crimes of Paris, Battered Old Bird, Blue Chair, Next Time Round, I'm Not Angry), but there are hundreds left to choose from.
I'm separating this into 2 discs: The Rock Disc and the Mellow Disc. That way both sides of Costello can be seen, and yes, I am going to put a track or two from North on the CD. Just because I don't like it, doesn't mean someone else won't. Yeah, so I'm not neglecting that one. Who knows maybe this time around, I'll unearth another song I can tolerate. It would be a miracle, I know, but I'm still trying.
I don't know if I want him to go back to his When I Was Cruel self..but I wish that his next album were less jazz/pop then North. I guess it's always been hard for me to say why I don't like that record, since I love the Juliet Letters and Painted from Memory. I also like his contributions to Roy Nathanson's albums. (Which probably explains why I like Impatience, the one bonus track on the UK North)
I suppose it all boils down to the "I can't sing along with it" theory that I've had since the beginning. Even his more mellow offerings have had songs that I can screech along to. This one has not.
But this wasn't meant to be a "I hate North" post.
I will say this..I am putting Still on the Mellow CD, because it is a beautiful song. (The video is even prettier)
Musical Sunday
9 hours ago
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