Elections suck, because for 6 months prior to anything happening you have to look and listen to stupid ads for the candidates that I have no desire to vote for.
This time around, PA is voting for a new governor and one of the Allegheny County Bigwigs wants the seat. I wouldn't vote for Dan Onorano or however the hell you spell his last name if hell froze over and Satan came to the 'Roi to party with us all.
The man's platform is he's created jobs for Pittsburgh and he hasn't raised property taxes. He's also caused the slaughter of hundreds of geese. Yes, people I'm a crazy animal lady, and I don't go for animal killing. Oh and he may not have raised property taxes but he's created enough taxes that everyone visiting Allegheny County will have to pay. Thank you, but no.
Also there's Tim Burns...have I mentioned he believes in god, guns are right and abortions are bad? Yeah...no to you too.
Lastly there's are old buddy Arlen Specter. I don't even know what to think about this Repulican/Democrat who has been in office since Jesus Christ was still around.
With all the lousy choices we have in PA this year it makes me wonder how I can choose the lesser of the evils, because everyone looks pretty damn evil.
Oh and I'm really sick of their damn commercials, which are all vote for me cos the other guy sucks ads.
The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for February, 2025
19 hours ago
We've been getting phone calls. Everything from surveys to just plan campaigning. One day the caller ID actually said "Republican Party" & I didn't pick up.
My favorite are the ones the Republicans are airing that are meant to get you all riled up over the things the Democrats stand for. The problem is I side with the Democrats almost completely right now, so all the ads are doing is reinforcing my plans to vote Democrat.
We had election stuff drunning in to us for the past few months... and still ended up with a hung parliament, so the news broadcasters and papers have still been going on about it. Now the PM has resigned and it looks like the Tories & Lib Dems have finally come to a decision!
The latest we have around here is follow up calls from the winners to see how things are going. STOP CALLING ME!
Specter is a Democrat/Republican/Democcrat lets face it every time he thinks he can't win the election he changes parties. Kinda like Teresa Heinz Kerry who just listens to the penis in charge.
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