That's going to be my vacation motto, because my to do list for the three days I'm away is growing faster than the tail of Dicky Dragon or even Marie Hayward's teeth. (Yeah, I know, it's mean of me to pick on Mrs. Hayward, but it's fun and done out of ...hmmm...I'm not sure what it's done out of.)
Places to Go
Hard Rock Cafe - Cos I need a shirt with a city other than Pittsburgh on it.
Planet Hollywood - I've never been to one. (This girl doesn't get out much)
Rainforest Cafe - I've been intrigued by this restaurant for a year now.
Steel Pier - It's that merry-go-round thing again, oh and the Crazy Mouse.
The Boardwalk and all the fun shops - Is that not a given? Have I not expressed my love, nay obsession with the Atlantic City boardwalk for a year now? ~sigh~ I'm coming back Boardwalk, have you missed me? Damn, right you have!
The Atlantic Ocean - I love water! I love taking pictures of water...and I swear as soon as I set my eyes on that ocean I'm going to burst into a huge squee and cry! I love the ocean!
People to See
The only people I need to see are
Justin Hayward, John Lodge, Graeme Edge, Paul Bliss, Gordon Marshall, Bernie Barlow and Norda Mullen.
Food To Eat
Funnel Cakes - Cos I didn't get a good one last September, because my traveling companion was too cheap to eat.
Fudge - Yum!
Fralinger's Taffy - You can't go to the shore without taffy, damn it!
Any dessert from Brulee's. I'm determined to get to this restaurant.
Seriously if I had the time and the money I would eat my way through the boardwalk! There's just so many great things there. I can't wait. 2 more days!!! 2 more days!!!!!
The Moody Blues and Atlantic City
My two favorite things meshed together.
Pardon me while I squee with orgasmic bliss.
Oh and no trip to the shore is complete without a bunch of these guys!
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
21 hours ago
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