My Christmas music frenzy continues. When I was at Wal-mart last Saturday, I was looking through the Holiday (Cos you can't say Christmas lest you offend some wanker that doesn't grasp that Christmas is about GOD) Music section.
As I expected there wasn't one copy of The Moody Blues - December
I grumbled a bit, but kept on looking to see what else was there, and I found this
Yes, Olivia Newton John is cheesy, but I've loved her since I was a little girl parading around in legwarmers singing "Let's Get Physical" (Not knowing she wasn't talking about exercise!) So, needless to say, for a mere 10 bucks, I brought it home.
Next year you'll probably see a song from that collection on the Christmas mix. I can't believe I'm already thinking about next year's mix. On a sad note, I think I've used up all the songs from December in the last few years. It just won't be right to have a Christmas mix without a Moody Blues song.
But that's for me to worry about next year.
For now, it's time for Christmas Cheer!
The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
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