I hate when I get it into my head that I want something and I can't have it right away.
I've been pondering a new mp3 player for the last month or so and I finally think I've decided on the one I want. It's the 6GB Creative Zen Micro and I want the pink one. (Don't ask!)
I thought about getting the Ipod shuffle and even the Creative Zen Nano but then I started to look at the prices and whatnot and decided to go for the player with more storage space. I'm not fool enough to want an ipod that costs what a new PC costs or the Creative equivilant. If I'm spending that much money on something I'll buy the new PC. I use the computer more than I do the mp3 player.
I'm not even sure why I want the 6GB player in the first place. I barely get through the 32 songs my Creative Muvo holds let alone having a player that can hold at least 1000 or more songs.
Really, when I get down to it, I don't even need the damn thing, but I want one. Worse yet, since mp3 players were the stocking stuffer of choice for the holiday, you can't find one right now, or rather you can't find the one that I want.
And Grr at mp3 players being stocking stuffers. I wish I had the kind of money to stuff stockings with little toys that cost $90.00 and up. The stocking stuffer I want costs about $200.00. A very expensive stocking stuffer indeed!
Maybe by the time my mp3 player is back in stock, I'll have given up on the idea.
6375 Long joke Sunday
26 minutes ago
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