Sunday, June 21, 2009

There's Never Enough Time

Every weekend I have these huge hopes of things I'm going to get done and every weekend I fall flat of my goals.


I get little things done but never what I really want to get done. But its never enough. Never.

Its just not fair.

There's so much cleaning I want to do. What did I get done? 3 loads of laundry! I hate laundry. Laundry is the bane of my existence.

The sad part is I spent so much time just moping and crying because the whole priest situation has me in a turmoil. Most of you may not guess it by my usual entries, but I love my Catholic faith. I don't shove it down anyone's throat. I just exist and now everything feels like its crumbling.

I had a Corona today and I swear it made me a weepy drunk because I hadn't cried before and now I'm crying for Father D. and my Gram and I just feel a mess and I'm not getting things done and I can't string a coherent sentence together.


Perhaps if I would have just stayed in bed, I'd be in better shape!