10 songs that sum up your weekend...or were on your weekend playlist...and one picture that relates back. (oh, and if you feel like it, tell us why you picked the songs you did)
There's no rhyme or reason to what I listened to this weekend. Most of it was either on my winamp or my Zen Micro.
Sarah Brightman - Harem
(The only song to come from a mix CD, which just happens to be in my CD player right now)
Sarah McLachlan - River
(I downloaded this track this weekend. I think I'm going to be ordering Wintersong. I don't care what anyone else says. I do agree that the cover is a bit odd. They made Sarah look like Moya Brennan. Not a bad thing, but not really her)
Justin Hayward - Marie
(My winamp hates me and likes to make me nauseaous. That has to be the worst song Justin ever wrote. If I were Marie, I'd pop him one in the nose. If I could find a chair to stand on.)
Keri Noble - A Dream About You
(My Zen played this at least once, but I used the song on a post about songs that make me cry over on one of the livejournal communities I belong to)
Ringo Starr - Never Without You
(The song about George and another song that makes me cry like a baby)
The Beatles - In My Life
(Lennon's best song in my opinion. Short, sweet and beautiful. Happy B-day John. Your music is sorely missed)
John Lennon - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
(I hate this song. OK, I hate Yoko's part at the end. Everytime I hear it, I have to mock her, and I can screech as good as Yoko any day. This song is proof that love is not only blind, it's deaf too.)
Paul McCartney - Here Today
(Might as well mention the song about John that makes me cry. Can you tell that I love my Beatles?)
Grey Eye Glances - Oh No
(The Zen likes GEG. It's a very smart Zen)
Madonna - Another Suitcase, Another Hall
(I chose to listen to this and I'm not sure why. I do however like the film Evita, but I wasn't watching it, so this was totally random.)
And now for the picture...as seen out the passenger window of my parent's car.

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