Justin Hayward turns 60 years old today, and I volunteer to give him some b-day spankings. (especially one to grow on. muhahahaha)

This shot of Justin was taken by me at the Borgata last July.
For those of you that don't know, (And how can you not know if you've been by here more than once) Justin Hayward is the lead guitarist and primary vocalist for the classic rock group, The Moody Blues. You know, the bloke that sings Nights In White Satin. And yes folks, it's Nights not knights. If I see that one more time I'll go apeshit.
The next celebrity b-day is Sir Cliff Richard. Lord of Cheesy Lovely Get Stuck In Your Head pop music. I do believe he's 64.

Americans don't know Cliffy poo very well, but they would if Mistletoe and Wine had crossed over the pond. Talk about stick in your head songs! Yikes!
Christmastime....mistletoe and wine.
It's stuck!
Happy B-day Mr. Hayward and Sir Cliff!
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