I ended up leaving work early yesterday. Not exactly what I wanted to do, but when my mother calls me at work and tells me that she's going to the emergency room, I get the hell out of there as fast as I can.
Since I was in college mum has had 4 heart attacks and numerous trips to the ER. She has 3 stents and a pacemaker. The doctor had been talking about a defibrulator (sp) but it seems he has changed his mind, and all of us want to know why.
Yesterday, when she went to our local hospital the doctors seemed to think that she should be transferred to a city hospital for observation. Our local hospital is no longer equipped to do the special heart procedures if she had something wrong.
I was expecting to make the trip to at least the West Mifflin area if not the city of Pittsburgh this morning. But after I had gone out to make the calls to the people that needed to know what was going on, the doctor said she was going to be kept there overnight for observation and if all was well she could come home in the morning.
The idea of shipping her off to Pittsburgh was vetoed by her heart doctor who said empathetically, "No defibrulator."
Not what we expected to hear. But we know her cardiologist is one of the best in the area, so he must know what he's doing, but the rest of us want to know why.
Oh and to make matters worse, the toilet overflowed this morning.
I'd ask if something else could go wrong but I'm not going to taunt fate any more than I already have, just by getting out of my warm bed this morning.
Inconvenience Fees
16 hours ago
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