This is the last week of freedom for the kids in my school district. I've convinced the nephew that we should have one last hurrah before he goes back to class, so next weekend will have a little bit of running in it. I'm not sure if that will be the best thing to do, but hey, the kid deserves some fun before he goes to school.
He's had an eventful summer though, much like I have.
He's been to Hershey, to the park. He's been to the Davy Jones concert at Falconi Field. He's been to both Idlewild and Kennywood multiple times. He's also gone to the flower show and Wheeling to Oglebay.
If he complains about not doing anything this summer I suggest we sock him in the nose.
It's been a really good summer for doing things. I can add a trip to Erie into my mix which was lovely.
Had those Moodykins....erm The Moody Blues actually toured this summer, I would say it's been a nearly perfect summer. I'm going to miss it when it's gone.
Musical Sunday
10 hours ago
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