My car is in the shop. It should be done before I'm done with work, but that won't save me from having to have my father drive me there today. ARGH!
I really need to buy food for work at some point this evening. I also need to get to Walmart in the next few days to get my dental rinse. Blech!
I've been trying to get a walk in each day or at least 20 minutes on my ski machine, because I'm not going to Curves anymore. I can't take the woman that owns the place now, and I don't want to drive to go to another one. Plus after October I don't want to pay 29 dollars anymore. I could be using that money to pay off bills. Which is more important really.
I have to run to Target too, but that should be able to wait until the weekend. Lordy, I just want one day where I can sleep blissfully til about 8 or 9 o'clock. At least I don't have anywhere I have to be this weekend. Except maybe that free concert at Station Square that I wouldn't mind attending, but if I don't make that I won't wither away and die. Right now sleep really seems to be my top priority. I want lots of it, but considering all the stuff I have to do after work, the chances of me getting much of that seem to be quite slim.
Come to think of it, sitting down to read isn't looking like it will happen either. (And I have a pile of books to read that's turning into a mountain) I need some "me" time. When am I going to get it?
Musical Sunday
10 hours ago
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